Property viewings

Most of the work involved with a property viewing doesn’t happen on the viewing. It’s in the run-up to the appointment, straight after leaving and over the following days.

Property viewings are an essential part of your moving process, so strategy is paramount.

It all starts with our very first conversation to build rapport and discover what someone is really looking for. Reading between the lines provides clues to their lifestyle while separating their wants from their needs helps us build a picture of their perfect home. Very often, it’s a passing comment on the way to a viewing that provides a lightbulb moment.

The end of the viewing is the ideal opportunity for a casual chat outside. As well as gauging the initial response of your viewer, it’s a chance to:

  • talk more about the general area and what’s nearby 
  • recommend a stop at a great local café or pub on their way back home
  • invite them to return for a second viewing at a different time of day.

A period of reflection often provides a more certain response, and 24-36 hours after a viewing is when those first impressions will have properly sunk in. Even if a buyer doesn’t want to return for a second viewing, their feedback is always useful to keep up the momentum in finding you a buyer.


Successful viewings depend on a detailed knowledge of a property, a flexible showing order, and a comfortable environment for every viewer. As a general rule of thumb, your agent should:

  • open all interior doors for light and a sense of flow
  • start and end on a high point. (The highlight of the home)
  • have something to say about each room beyond “This is the kitchen”
  • point out any less-than-obvious features
  • mention improvements and future potential
  • allow enough time for viewers to look at rooms more than once
  • invite people to sit down and savour your home
  • be helpful, cheerful and polite.

All of this needs to be combined with linking aspects of your home to your viewers’ lives to encourage honest comments – something buyers rarely do in front of the owner for fear of causing offence.

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